Lygia Sans
4 Styles | Flavia Zimbardi
Lygia Sans:n4
Lygia Sans:i4
Lygia Sans:n9
Lygia Sans:i9
Lygia Sans Black
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Contra Relevo (Objeto N. 7)
Lygia Sans Regular
Figure Styles
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Lygia Clark (Belo Horizonte, 1920 – Rio De Janeiro, 1988) was a Brazilian artist that along Amilcar De Castro, Franz Weissmann, Lygia Pape and poet Ferreira Gullar, co-founded the Neo-Concrete Movement.
Lygia Sans Regular Italic
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Бразильський поет і письменник Феррейра Гулар написав у 1959 році «Нео-Бетонний маніфест» і описав твір мистецтва як «щось, що складає більше, ніж сума його складових елементів; те, що аналіз може розбити на різні елементи, але що можна зрозуміти лише феноменологічно».
Lygia Sans Regular
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Superfícies Moduladas, 1952-57.
Lygia Sans Black Italic
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Between 1956–57, mainly in the series Modulated surfaces, a complex system of juxtaposed planes are separated by very tight gaps—the only “lines” in the compositions. Describing her main objective during this period, Clark said, “What I seek is to compose a space and not compose in it.”
Lygia Sans Regular
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Clark's work dealt with the relationship between inside and outside, and, ultimately, between self and world.
Lygia Sans Black
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Съвременният човек трябва да се отдалечи от този излишък на рационализъм, който живее в сърцето на нашите мисли.
Inspired by the full bloom of the Neo-Concrete movement clustered in the 1950s, Lygia Sans was designed to match in color with its serif companion but embracing a new personality that nods towards a more calligraphic and elegant approach, as seen in Warren Chappell’s Lydian (released in 1938). Available in extended Latin and Cyrillic.
- Released: July 2022
- Status: In Progress
- Version: 0.3
- 4 Styles
- Desginer: Flavia Zimbardi
- Lygia Sans PDF Specimen